Adding comments to a Svelte site using Cusdis

Yet another 'how to do comments' blog post
posted on 2022-02-02



👇See an exampe at the bottom of this page.👇

This tutorial is for a SvelteKit site, but code examples can easily be adapted to other frameworks.

At the end of this tutorial you’ll have:

  • Comments section on every page of your Svelte site
  • Dashboard with comments moderation
  • (optional) Email notifications when someone leaves a comment
...for free!


  1. Get yourself a database - the free Heroku Postgres will do.. Update 2024: Get a free PostgresDB on Railway
  2. Self-host Cusdis.

Adding Cusdis to Svelte site

To add comments support on any page of your static site, you need to add the Cusdis element in your +layout.svelte template - this is where the comments secion iframe will be loaded into. This is also how we pass our config to the SDK (it will read from this element).

  <slot />
  <!-- Only render the element on the client, not the server -->
  {#if isClient && pageId}
      data-host="<YOUR CUSDIS URL HERE>"
      data-app-id="<YOUR CUSDIS APP ID HERE>"

For data-app-id, you can grab the Cusdis app ID from the settings in the Cusdis dashboard.

Now let’s define those variables:

let isClient = false; # for ignoring server-side rendering
let pageId; # for linking comments to the current page
let cusdisElement; # The comments frame itself

Dynamic pageId

And now let’s write a function that will set the pageId. This could be a unique ID, or based on the URL. I used the URL path (without the domain) as the pageId. Eg. if the current URL is the pageId is blog/adding-comments-to-static-site

let pageId;
const setPageId = () => {
    // Get the page from the URL
    if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
        if (window.location.href.includes("")) {
        pageId = window.location.href
            .filter((a) => a.length && a !== "/");
        } else if (window.location.href.includes("http://localhost:3000")) {
        pageId = window.location.href
            .filter((a) => a.length && a !== "/");

        // Default to home
        if (pageId.length) {
            pageId = pageId[0];
        } else {
            pageId = "home";

        // Remove leading /
        if (pageId && pageId.charAt(0) === "/") {
            pageId = pageId.slice(1);

We need to update the pageId automatically whenever the route changes. To do this, we import the page store which will fire on update:

import { getStores } from "$app/stores";

const { page } = getStores();

We can now perform the update in two steps:

  • Update the page ID on route change
  • Tell the SDK to use the new page ID
  Listen for page changes and set the current page ID to pass into the SDK.
  $: {
    if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
      if ($page.path) {

  Re-initialize the SDK when the page id attribute is changed in the element. 
  onMount(() => {
    new MutationObserver(initCusdis).observe(cusdisElement, {
      attributeFilter: ["data-page-id"],


  if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
    isClient = true;

Hope that was helpful! Let me know in the comments if anything in this article is wrong or doesn’t work as expected. You are also welcome to say nice things.